The radial Time projection chamber will measure the position ofanti-hydrogen annihilations by detecting the trajectories of particlesproduced in the annihilation reactions. This will be used to study thegravitational force on antimatter in the Alpha-g experiment.
(Image: CERN)
In 2018 the ALPHA Experiment was expanded with the addition of ALPHA-g. Look at timelapse videos to see the massive changes, from installation to beamline!
The ALPHA collaboration has for the first time observed single-photon excitation of antihydrogen atoms from the ground (1S) state to the 2P state using 121nm pulsed laser light - the so-called lyman-alpha line of the Lyman series.
Our latest breakthrough, the first detailed study of one of the hyperfine components of the 1S-2S line in trapped antihydrogen has been published in Nature and is the most precise and most accurate measurement of antimatter to date.
Following 30 years of effort by the low-energy antimatter community at CERN, the ALPHA collaboration has made seminal measurements of antihydrogen’s spectral structure in a bid to test nature’s fundamental symmetries.
Our latest breakthrough, the first observation of the 1S-2S transition in trapped antihydrogen has been published in Nature and is the first time a spectral line has been observed in antihydrogen.