News Items related to "Observation of the 1S-2S transition"
In English:
- ABC News, "Scientists Get Antimatter Excited, See First Light"
- DailyCaller, "Scientists Finally Spot Powerful Fuel Source After 20 YEARS Of Looking [VIDEO] "
- Yahoo! finance, "Science shines a light on anti-matter"
- Gizmondo, "Antimatter Looks Surprisingly Like Regular Matter"
- Health Medicine Network, "Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- Inhabitat, "Scientists observe light spectrum of antimatter for the first time ever"
- Interlochen Public Radio," Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- Kazu, "Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- Maine Public, "Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- Vice, "Scientists Beamed a Laser at Antimatter to Measure It For the First Time"
- New Atlas, "CERN zaps antimatter with lasers to study its spectrum for the first time"
- Perfect Science, "Scientists use laser to unlock antimatter secrets"
-, "ALPHA observes light spectrum of antimatter for first time"
-, "New insight into elusive antimatter can help unravel universe's mysteries"
- Quartz, "Scientists fired lasers at antimatter in an experiment that probes the deepest human question: why are we here?"
- Rhode Idsland Public Radio, "Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- CBS SanFrancisco, "Scientists Use Lasers To Get First Glimpse Of Mysterious Antimatter"
- Yahoo! Sports, "Science shines a light on anti-matter"
- The TeCake, "Cern-scientists discover the method to handle antimatter with Laser"
- The Science Explorer, "ALPHA Experiment Observes the Light Spectrum of Antimatter for the First Time"
- Times of India, "Science shines a light on anti-matter"
- Blasting News UK, "CERN advances anti-matter research - no fuel for The Enterprise, no bomb for The Vatican"
-, "Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- (North Carolina Public Radio), Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- Air & Space, "Breakthrough in Antimatter Physics Has Some Dreaming of Starships"
-, "CERN scientists get the first glance of the innards of anti-matter"
- AZFamily, "Scientists get antimatter excited, see first light"
- BBC News, "Laser helps unlock antimatter secrets"
- Boston Herald, "Scientists get antimatter excited, see first light"
- Bozeman Daily Chronicle, "Scientists get antimatter excited, see first light"
- Business Recorder, "Scienists succeed at illuminating antimatter particles"
- Catholic Online, "Scientists create antimatter in the lab at CERN, then they blasted it with a laser. Here's what happened"
- CBC, "Scientists measure antimatter atom for 1st time"
- CBS News, "Scientists get antimatter excited, revealing clues about origins of universe"
- The Christian Science Monitor, "Scientists use lasers for a better look at antimatter"
- CTV News, "Scientists get antimatter excited, see first light"
- Daily Galaxy,"Cern discovery were one step closer to illuminating mystery of the big bang"
- Dailymail, "Antimatter uncovered in groundbreaking CERN experiment that 'could solve one of the great riddles of the universe'"
- Digital Trends, "Scientists make a major breakthrough in our ability to study antimatter"
- DNA India, "Light spectrum of antimatter observed for first time"
- EconoTimes, "Antimatter breakthrough sheds light on matter's shadowy twin"
- EuroNews, "CERN scientists' breakthrough experiment helps unravel mysteries of antimatter"
- Forbes, "ALPHA Experiment Shines New Light On Antimatter"
- Fox News, "Scientists get antimatter excited, see first light"
- Gizmondo, "Antimatter looks surprisingly like regular matter"
- GMA News, "Science shines a light on anti-matter"
- HSU News, "Scientist excite antimatter, see first light "
- I4U News, "Scientists measure antimatter with a laser for the first time"
- International Business Times, "The great antimatter mystery solved?: Are scientists closer to discovering the secrets of antimatter?"
- International Business Times, "Scientists at Cern have shed light on antimatter for the very first time"
- International Business Times, "CERN Scientists Observe Antimatter Light Spectrum For The First Time"
- IFL Science, "Light Spectrum Of Antimatter Observed For The First Time, And It Looks Like Regular Matter
- Independent, "Scientists use laser to unlock the secrets of antimatter"
- Inquisitr, "Antimatter Observed For The First Time, According To Report From ALPHA Researchers [Video]"
-, "ALPHA experiment observes the light spectrum of antimatter for the first time"
- JapanTimes, "Man made antimatter produces first light"
- LatinPost, "Scientists Finally Able To Measure Antimatter For The First Time [VIDEO]"
- Liverpool Echo, "Why is half the universe missing? Liverpool boffins produce possible breakthrough"
- LiveScience, "Bizarre Antimatter Emits Same Light As Regular Matter"
- University of Manchester, "Manchester scientist part of team that is a step closer to finding out why Universe has so little antimatter"
- MorningTicker, "Scientists shocked by antimatter discovery"
- MSN, "Antimatter just got a little bit less mysterious"
- Nanowerk, "New antimatter breakthrough to help illuminate mysteries of the Big Bang"
- The Nation, "Science shines a light on anti-matter"
- Nature, "Ephemeral antimatter atoms pinned down in milestone laser test"
- NatureWorldNews, "Antihydrogen Produced in Powerful Magnetic Trap Unlocks Antimatter Secrets"
- NetNewsLedger, "Studying The Big Bang Theory at CERN"
-, "Physicists take big step in unravelling mystery of antimatter"
- News wise, "ALPHA Shines Light on Antimatter Question"
- News wise, "New Antimatter Breakthrough to Help Illuminate Mysteries of the Big Bang"
- NextBigFuture, "Cern uses lasers to analyze antimatter"
- Njherald
- NPR, "Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- NYTimes
- PBS, "Column: Scientists isolate antimatter, shedding light on matter’s elusive twin"
- Physicscentral, "Shining a Light on Antimatter: The First Spectroscopic Measurement of an Antimatter Atom"
- Popular, "Antimatter just got a little bit less mysterious"
- Popular Mechanics, "Scientists Measure Antimatter for the First Time"
- Pulseheadlines, "Scientists find a new way to study antimatter"
- RedOrbit, "New CERN experiment could solve the mysteries of antimatter"
- Salemstatelog, "Lasers on an antimatter atom"
- SciNews, "CERN Physicists Observe Light Spectrum of Antimatter for the First Time"
- Sciencealert, "Physicists Have Observed The Light Spectrum of Antimatter For First Time"
- Scienemag, "Deep probe of antimatter puts Einstein’s special relativity to the test"
- SCPR, "Scientists blast antimatter atoms with a laser for the first time"
- Seeker, "Bizarre Antimatter Looks Surprisingly Like Regular Matter"
- Space, "Bizarre Antimatter Emits Same Light As Regular Matter"
- Spacedaily, "ALPHA observes light spectrum of antimatter for first time"
- The Spokesman-Review, "Scientists get antimatter excited, see first light"
- Techly, "Physics breakthrough brings humanity one step closer to sci-fi reality"
- Tech Times, "CERN Scientists Use Laser To Observe Light Spectrum Of Antimatter [Video]"
- Tech Times, "Antimatter Light Spectrum Observed For The First Time"
- The Australian, "God particle scientists close to knowing why humans exist"
- The News Recorder, "Breakthrough experiment leads Antimatter’s secret to reveals out with the help of Laser"
- The Province, "Breaktrough Experiment Scientists antimatter with laser beam"
- TRIUMF, "ALPHA shines light on antimatter question"
- Universe today, "Spectrum of Antimatter Observed for First Time"
- Wbur, "Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- Windsorstar, "In breakthrough experiment, scientists zap antimatter with laser beam to find out what makes it weird"
- Worldbulletin, "Science shines a light on anti-matter"
- ZME Sciemce, "Physicists observe the light spectrum of antimatter for the first time"
- WYSO, "Scientists Blast Antimatter Atoms With A Laser For The First Time"
- Cosmos Magazine, "Laser excites antimatter atoms for first time"
- Futurism, "A Revolutionary Test Uncovered a Key Fact About the Nature of Antimatter"
- University of Liverpool, "Physicists shine light on antimatter"
- The University of British Columbia, "ALPHA shines light on antimatter question"
- Yahoo! sports, "Scientists Measure Antimatter for the First Time"
- The conversation, "Antimatter breakthrough sheds light on matter’s shadowy twin"
- The conversation, "New insight into elusive antimatter can help unravel universe’s mysteries"
- The Wire, "Antimatter Breakthrough Sheds Light on Matter's Shadowy Twin"
- The Daily Star, "Scientists get antimatter excited, see first light"
- Engadget, "Physicists learn how to measure antimatter"
- Geo News, "Science shines a light on anti-matter"
- Inverse, "Scientists measure antiamtter for first time by firing laser at it"
- Japan Today, "Science shines a light on anti-matter"
- New Scientist, "Antimatter atom trapped and measuren with a laser for first time"
- Science Daily, "ALPHA experiment observes the light spectrum of antimatter for the first time"
- Science News, "Antimatter hydrogen passes symmetry test"
- Science Recorder, "Lasers allow researchers see antimatter first time"
- Scientific American, "Physicists Pin Down Antimatter in Milestone Laser Test"
- SlashGear, "ALPHA records first ever measurement of optical spectrum of antimatter atom"
- SlashGear, "CERN sees Antimatter Spectrum for first time in history"
- The Washington Post, "In breakthrough experiment, scientists shine a light on antimatter"
- The Washington Post, "In breakthrough experiment, scientists shine a light on antimatter"
- The Washington Post, "Scientist shine light on antimatter"
In Chinese:
- Epochtimes, "科学家首次测量反氢原子 揭示反物质特性"
- Chinanews, "反物质原子光谱测量首次完成"
- News sina, "粒子物理學有重大進展!反物質原子光譜測量首次完成"
- Engadget, "CERN 首度成功觀測反物質的頻譜"
- Sohu
- CN.rfi
- Sohu, "科学家首次测量反物质光谱,检验物理学最基本的原理"
- Huanqiukexue, "科学家首次测量反物质氢原子光谱"
- Setn, "宇宙大爆炸後「反物質」跑哪去?新技術讓物理之謎現曙光"
In Danish:
- Politiken, "Danske forskere: »Vi har gjort noget, som indtil nu har været ren science fiction«"
- Politiken, "Fysikere har kigget ind i antiverdenen i 15 minutter"
- Videnskab, "»Næsten et mirakel«: Fysikere måler på antistof"
- DR, "Dansk forskningssensation: Antibrint analyseret for første gang"
- Experimentum, "Forskere beskyder antibrint med laserlys for forste gang"
- Illustreret Videnskab, "Dansk forskerhold gør skelsættende Big Bang-opdagelse
- Jyllansa-postten, "Milepæl: Forskerhold måler for første gang på anti-atomer
In Dutch:
- New Scientist, "Antimaterie gaat niet tegen de verwachtingen in"
- Vice, "Wetenschappers meten voor het eerst antimaterie met een laser"
- NpoRadio, "Deze antimaterie is een test voor de diepste natuurwetten"
In Finnish:
- Uutiset, "Onko puolet maailmankaikkeudesta kadonnut? Hiukkastutkimuskeskus Cern mittasi antimateriaa uudella tavalla"
- Tekniikanmaailma, "Ensimmäiset mittaukset paljastivat yllättävän tylsän asian antimaterian käyttäytymisestä"
- Helsingin Sanomat, "Alkuräjähdyksessä kadonneen antiaineen mysteeri raottuu – tutkijat mittasivat antiatomin käyttäytymistä poikkeuksellisen tarkasti"
- Tekniikka&Talous, "Antimateria-atomi saatiin kiinni ja mitattiin laserilla ensi kertaa – antivety todella käyttäytyy tietyissä asioissa vedyn tavoin"
In French:
- TdG, "Grande première au CERN en lien avec l'antimatière"
- 20min, "Un «piège magnétique» pour mesurer l'antimatière"
- Le dauphine, "Le CERN avance dans la découverte de l'antimatière"
- France culture, "Où est donc passée l'anti-matière ?"
- Sputniknews, "Le CERN détecte une antimatière luminescente"
- Hitek, "Le spectre de l'antimatiere observé pour la permiere fois"
- Futura Sciences, "Énigme de l'antimatière : le Cern sur sa piste avec le décalage de Lamb dans l'antihydrogène"
- RTS, "La première spectroscopie de l’antihydrogène"
- Le Figaro, "Des atomes d'antimatière «capturés» en laboratoire"
- Science Post, "Des physiciens ont observé le spectre lumineux de l’antimatière pour la première fois"
- Radio Canada, "Le spectre de lumière de l’antimatière mesuré pour la première fois"
- Euronews, "L'antimatière mise en lumière"
- Ciel et Espace, "Une expérience du Cern montre que l'antimatière brille comme la matière"
- Quebeg HuffingtonPost, "Le spectre de lumière de l'antimatière mesuré pour la première fois"
In German:
- derStandard, "Cern-Physiker vermessen erstmals Antimaterie"
- heise, "CERN: Erstmals Spektrum von Antimaterie analysiert"
- Science ORF, "Eigenschaften von Antimaterie gemessen"
- 20min, "Cern vermisst erstmals das Licht von Antimaterie"
- Der Bund, "Cern misst erstmals Lichtspektrum von Antimaterie"
- Golem, "Forscher untersuchen Lichtspektrum von Antiwasserstoff"
- Grenzwissenschaft, "CERN analysiert erstmals Lichtspektrum von Antimaterie"
- Kleine Zeitung, "Forscher maßen erstmals das Lichtspektrum von Antimaterie"
- Neue Zürcher Zeitung, "Antiatome unter dem Laser"
- Der Tagesspiegel, "Erste spektroskopische Messung von Antimaterie"
- Prophysik, "Antiwasserstoff spektrokopisch untersucht"
- Scinexx, "Erstes Spektrum eines Antimaterie-Teilchens"
- Spektrum, "Antiwasserstoff bestätigt Grundlagen der Physik"
- Süddeutsche, "Signale aus der Spiegelwelt"
- Tagesanzeiger, "Cern misst erstmals Lichtspektrum von Antimaterie"
- Tagesspiegel, "Erste spektroskopische Messung von Antimaterie"
- Trends der Zukunft, "CERN: Forscher vermessen erstmals das Lichtspektrum von Antimaterie"
- Welt der Physik, "Erste spektroskopische Analyse von Antiwasserstoff"
- Telebasel, "CERN-Forscher messen erstmals das Lichtspektrum von Antimaterie"
- Welt, "Antimaterie ist wie gedacht"
- Welt, "Was Antiwasserstoff im Laserlicht verrät"
In Italian:
- Corriere del ticono, "Ecco il primo 'identikit' di un atomo di antimateria"
- Media Inaf, "Ecco lo spettro dell’antimateria"
- Ansa, "Il primo identikit di un atomo di antimateria"
- International Business Times, "CERN: osservato lo spettro dell'antimateria per la prima volta"
- Technoblitz, "Atomo di antimateria misurato con laser per la prima volta"
- ASI, "Lo spettro dell anntimateria"
- Trascientaecoscienza, "Anti-idrogeno lo spettro rilevanto da alpha cambia lo studio-dellantimateria"
- Focus, "Studiato lo spettro dell’antimateria"
- Tecnoandroid, "Lo spettro luminoso dell’antimateria osservato per la prima volta"
- Blitzquotidiano, "Antimateria al Cern: Alpha svela il primo identikit di un atomo di antidrogeno"
- le Scienze, "Lo spettro dell'antimateria"
- Interris, "Ottenuto il primo identikit di un atomo di antimateria grazie alla luce laser"
- Ultimavoce, "Antimateria: Prime Misurazioni Su Atomi Di Anti-Idrogeno"
In Japanese:
- Gigazine, "反物質の光スペクトルの詳細な観測に世界で初めてCERN"のALPHAが成功"
- Chunichi, "中日新聞 CHUNICHI Webのトップページに戻る"
- Nikkei, "「反物質」の謎、解明へ一歩 東大など実験成功"
- Excite, "このURLの記事は見つかりませんでした。"
- Gizmondo, "CERNで反物質の光スペクトルを観測。それって何がすごいの?"
In Portuguese:
-, "Com participação de brasileiros, grupo internacional faz teste inédito com anti-hidrogênio"
- Hypescience, "Físicos observam o espectro luminoso da antimatéria pela primeira vez"
- UOL, "A primeira medida espectral do anti-hidrogênio"
- O Globo, "Conheça o experimento que busca a natureza do Universo"
- Diario de Noticias, "Observado pela primeira vez o espetro de luz de um átomo de antimatéria"
- Dnoticiaspt, "Espectro de luz de átomo de anti-matéria observado pela primeira vez"
- Instituto de Fisica, "Transição 1s-2s no antihidrogênio"
- Opovo online, "Cientista cearense é coautor de artigo sobre antimatéria na revista Nature"
- RTP Noticias, "Observado espectro de luz de átomo de antimatéria pela primeira vez"
- ZAP.aeiou, "Físicos observam pela primeira vez o espectro luminoso da antimatéria"
- Publico, "E pela primeira vez viu-se o espectro de luz de um átomo de antimatéria"
- euronews, "Física ameaça Deus: #CERN vê pela primeira vez espetro de luz da antimatéria"
In Russian:
- gazeta, "Ученые впервые получили спектр антиматерии"
- Polit, "Впервые в истории получен спектр антиводорода"
- Vesti, "Физики впервые измерили оптический спектр антиматерии"
In Romanian:
- Playtech, "Antimateria a fost măsurată pentru prima dată"
In Spanish:
- Computerhoy, "Un grupo de científicos ha conseguido medir la antimateria"
- El Comercio, "Se observa por primera vez el espectro de luz de la antimateria"
- El Pais, "Un experimento dispara un láser contra átomos de antimateria por primera vez"
- Gizmondo, "El CERN logra medir el espectro de luz de antimateria por primera vez"
-, "Logran por primera vez ver el espectro de la antimateria"
- Staff 5, "La ciencia hace brillar una luz sobre la antimateria"
- ABC, "Logran por primera vez ver el espectro de la antimateria"
- Aztecanoticias, "Experimento en el cern permite ver espectro de la antimateria"
- Diario uno, "Logran por primera vez ver el espectro de la antimateria"
- El Comercio, "Experimento muestra por primera vez espectro de luz de antimateria"
- El Universal, "Observan por primera vez espectro de luz de antimateria"
- Ciencia Plus, "Primera observación del espectro de luz de antimateria"
- Informador, "Se observa por primera vez espectro de luz de antimateria"
- Madrimasd
- Mdzol, "Por primera vez se observa el espectro de la antimateria"
- wRadio, "Se observa por primera vez espectro de luz de antimateria en experimento CERN"
- Europapress, "Primera observación del espectro de luz de antimateria"
- euronews, "El CERN observa, por vez primera, el especto de luz de la antimateria"
- Sinc, "Primera observación del color de la antimateria"
- Excelsior, "Logran medir el espectro de luz de la antimateria"
- La Opcion, "Logran medir el espectro de luz de un átomo de antimateria"
- lja, "Logran hito en historia antianomica"
In Swedish:
- Dagens Nyheter, "Antiväte undersökt – men Vatikanen kan vara trygg"
-, "Nytt ljus på antimateria"