News Items related to "Trapped Antihydrogen"
In English:
- The Guardian: "We can't see antimatter but it really does matter"
- National Geographic: "Antimatter Atoms Trapped for First Time—"A Big Deal""
- Bangkok Post: "Mind over antimatter: Physicists explore new frontier"
- BBC "Material World": Radio Interview with Niels Madsen
- CNN: Scientists capture antimatter atoms in particle breakthrough
- ScienceNOW: "Antiatoms Bottled for First Time"
- twilightwhisper: "Not sci-fi anymore: experts find way to hold antimatter"
- Yahoo News: "In breakthrough, scientists trap antimatter atoms"
- The Telegraph (India): "In science lab, physicists make antimatter & music"
- Dicovery Channel: Interview with Scott Menary
- aljazeera: Physicists capture antimatter
- "CERN snags 38 antihydrogen atoms in magnetic trap"
- bbc radio: "The World Tonight"
- irish times: "Irish scientists help trap antimatter at Cern lab"
- gizmodo: "Antimatter Trapped For the First Time"
- "Snagging Antimatter Atoms "
- "Snagging Antimatter Atoms"
- "Antimatter, here to stay"
- Calgary Sun: "U of C researchers help make antimatter breakthrough">
- Global News: "Canadian researchers key to capturing antimatter"
- South Wales Evening Post: "Anti-matter experiment echoes Angels and Demons film"
- "Scientists briefly trap a form of antimatter "
- ctvnews: "Not sci-fi anymore: experts find way to hold antimatter"
- The Star (Malaysia): "CERN makes and traps anti-matter, mystery of science"
- CHQR: Radio interview with Rob Thompson
- Calgary Herald: "Calgary researchers make sci-fi antimatter a reality"
- cbc news: "Antimatter atoms held captive by physicists"
- The Telegraph: "Antimatter captured by CERN scientists in dramatic physics breakthrough"
- bristolwired: "Antimatter atom trapped for first time, say scientists">
- The Economist: "Gotcha!"
- Fox News: "Breakthrough! Scientists Create and Capture Antimatter"
- Reuters: "CERN makes and traps anti-matter, mystery of science"
- therevival: "Antimatter atom trapped for first time, say scientists"
- Scientific American: "Upping the Anti: CERN Physicists Trap Antimatter Atoms for the First Time"
- Sydney Morning Herald: "CERN physicists explore new frontier"
- Kahleej Times: "Mind over antimatter: Physicists explore new frontier"
- Globe and Mail: "Antimatter captured in major scientific breakthrough">
- Vancouver Sun: "Canadian researchers at SFU, UBC and TRIUMF key to capturing antimatter">
- ABC News: "CERN Makes and Traps Anti-Matter, Mystery of Science">
- SciencBlogs: "Trapped Antihydrogen"
- Metro News (Canada): "Local scientists capture antimatter atoms"
- TV Calgary (Canada): Inverview with Rob Thompson
- BC Local (Canada): "McNair grad helps capture antimatter"
- The Register (UK): "Has CERN made the VATICAN ANTIMATTER BOMB for real?*"
- Science Friday: Radio interview with Jeffrey Hangst
- xplanation: Comic Strip with Antihydrogen
- Washington Times: "Scientists claim breakthrough in antimatter hunt"
- Tech News World: "CERN Physicists Create Antimatter (and Could Build a Bomb in a Billion Years)"
- Physics World: "Antihydrogen trapped at CERN"
- WRS Radio Interview with Jeffrey Hangst
- MSNBC: "Scientists claim breakthrough in antimatter hunt"
- Shanghai Daily: "Breakthrough in antimatter studies"
- NPR USA: Interview with Jeffrey Hangst
- Science Daily: "Magnetic Trapping Will Help Unlock the Secrets of Anti-Matter"
- Science Daily: "Antimatter Atoms Stored for the First Time"
- IB Times: "Trapped Antimatter Could Answer Why We Exist"
- Before It's News: "Magnetic Trapping Will Help Unlock The Secrets Of Anti-Matter">
- Space Daily: "Antimatter Atoms Produced And Trapped At CERN"
- Technology Daily: "Magnetic Trapping Will Help Unlock the Secrets of Anti-Matter"
- Celebrities Zone: "LEADING science journal Nature has published details of an Angels and Demons …"
- A bay of life: "Swansea Scientists in first trapping of antimatter atom in CERN"
- Welsh Icons: "Swansea Scientists closer to understanding how the Universe works"
- Compute Scotland: "Magnetic trapping of anti-hydrogen"
- This is South Wales: "Minds over anti-matter as lab makes discovery"
- BBC Tom Feilden: "Scientists capture antimatter"
- Topic Fire: "Antimatter atoms caught at last">
In Chinese:
- disvovery.tom: "欧洲核子研究中心科学家首次捕捉到反物质"
- SOHU News: "欧洲核子研究中心:解读反物质的神奇“捕捉”"
- SOHU IT: "欧洲科学家发现"反物质" 星际旅行不再是梦(图)"
- SINA: "欧洲核子研究中心科学家首次捕捉到反物质(图)"
- Xinhua: "当“抓住”反物质成为可能——高能物理研究获重大进展"
In Danish:
- Politiken: "Danske forskere: »Vi har gjort noget, som indtil nu har været ren science fiction«"
- Jyllandsposten: "Antibrint indfanget af danskledet forskergruppe"
- DR: "Danske forskere fastholder antibrint"
- ingeniøren: "Gennembrud i Cern: Fysikere har fanget antistof"
- "Gennembrud: Antibrint indfanget af danskledet forskergruppe"
- "Sådan fik fysikerne greb om antibrinten"
- Aarhus Universitet: "Dansk-ledet forskergruppe først til at indfange og fastholde antistof"
In Dutch:
In Farsi:
- HAMSHAHRI: "اتمهای ضدماده به دام افتادند"
In Finnish:
- YLE: "Antimateriaa saatiin vangituksi ensimmäistä kertaa"
In French:
- TSR (Suisse): "Le CERN capture de l'antimatière, une première"
- Le Monde: "Le Cern capture de l'antimatière, l'un des mystères de l'Univers"
- Science et Avenir: "Des atomes d’antimatière capturés">
- Science pour vous et moi: "Bonjour, ici l'anti-monde"
- Pour La Science: "Antihydrogènes à disposition"
- France Culture Emission Radio : "Que peut nous apprendre l'antimatière" avec Dr. N. Madsen d'ALPHA.
- Science et Avenir - Janvier 2011 - "L'antimatière prête à se dévoiler" (pdf)
In German:
- Hamburger Abendblat: "Durchbruch in eine neue Dimension"
- Spiegel: "Forscher fangen erstmals Antimaterie ein"
- Die Zeit: "Antimaterie geht Forschern in die Falle"
- wissenschaft-online: "Antimaterie in der Falle".
- SwissInfo: "CERN kann Antimaterie speichern"
- NZZ: "Antiatome in der Falle">
In Greek:
- "Άτομα αντιύλης κατάφερε για πρώτη φορά να παγιδεύσει το CERN"
In Hebrew:
- Haaretz: "הישג למדענים: הצליחו לבודד לראשונה אטומים של"
In Japanese:
- yomiuri: "反物質、瓶閉じこめ成功"
- 47news : "「反物質」閉じ込めに成功 理研参加の国際チーム">
- asahi: "「反水素」瓶に閉じこめた! 理化学研究所など初成功"
- nikkan: "理研など国際チーム、磁気瓶に反水素原子閉じ込めに成功"
- nikkei: "理化学研究所、反水素原子の原材料となる反陽子と陽電子を閉じ込める八重極磁気瓶を開発"
- The kobe Shimbun: "「反物質」閉じ込めに成功 理研参加の国際チーム"
- ASAHI: "「反水素原子」を閉じ込め=理研など国際チーム"
- YAHOO (Japan): "CERNの研究チーム、反物質の閉じ込めに成功 世界初"
In Portuguese:
- FOLHA (Brazil): "Grupo de físicos com brasileiros captura átomo de antimatéria"
In Russian:
- "Получена живучая антиматерия"
In Serbo-Croat:
- b92: "CERN detektovao prvi antimaterijski atom"
In Spanish:
- "El CERN da un importante paso para desvelar los secretos de la antimateria"
In Swedish:
- HBL (Finland): "Finlandssvensk bakom genombrott i forskning om antimateria"
- Aftonbladet: "Forskare fångade antimateria i fälla"
- Sveriges Radio: "Världens första fälla för antimateria"
- TeknikDebatt: "Svenska forskare bakom atomfälla för antiatomer"
- SVT: "Lyckat försök hålla fast anti-materia"