In the News: Investigation of the fine structure of antihydrogen

News Items related to "Investigation of the fine structure of antihydrogen"

In English:

  • Nature, "Fundamental symmetry tested using antihydrogen"
  • ABC, "Observation of antihydrogen property reaffirms nature's fundamental symmetry"
  •, "ALPHA collaboration reports first measurements of certain quantum effects in antimatter"
  • Physicsworld, "CERN physicists close in on antimatter–matter asymmetry"
  • Mirage News, "ALPHA reports first measurements of certain quantum effects in antimatter"
  • ScienceNews, "Antimatter hydrogen has the same quantum quirk as normal hydrogen"
  • Inverse, "Scientists may be on verge finally unraveling mystery antimatter"
  • NewsDio, "Physicists look more closely at an antimatter atom"
  • Wired, "Physicists Take Their Closest Look Yet at an Antimatter Atom"
  • Wuwm, "Scientists Announce Fresh Experiments On Antimatter"
  • Scientific American, "Physicists Come Closer to Answering Question of Antimatter’s Scarcity"
  • NewScientist, "Antimatter looks just like matter – which is a big problem for physics"
  • Npr, Scientists "Announce Fresh Experiments On Antimatter"
  • Ifl Science, "Antihydrogen Transitions Measured For The First Time And They're A Lot Like Hydrogen"

In Danish:

  • Videnskab, "Aarhus-forsker fanger og måler særlig energitilstand i antibrint for første gang"
  • ING, "Danskledet forskningsgruppe kommer lidt tættere på sandheden om antihydrogen"
  • CarlsbergFondent, "Semper Ardens forsker bag nye praecisionsmaalinger paa antistof"

In French:

  •, "Les physiciens se rapprochent de la question de la rareté de l’antimatière"
  •, "L’hydrogène antimatière a la même bizarrerie quantique que l’hydrogène normal"

In German:

  • Pro-Physik, "Antiwasserstoff ist auch nur Wasserstoff"
  • NZZ, "Wasserstoff und Antiwasserstoff gleichen sich auch in der Feinstruktur"
  •, "Antimaterie: Cern vergleicht Wasserstoff und Antiwasserstoff"
  • Bote, "Cern misst Quanteneffekt am Anti-Wasserstoff"
  • Aargauerzeitung, "Cern-Forschende messen Quanteneffekt am Anti-Wasserstoff"
  • Spektrum, "Antimaterie und das zitternde Vakuum"

In Italian:

  • ANSA, "Antimateria, nuove misure confermano la simmetria con la materia"

In Norwegian:

  • TU, "Forskerne er litt nærmere sannheten om antihydrogen"

In Russian:

  • Nplus1, "Антиматерия не отличилась от материи взаимодействием с квантовыми флуктуациями"
  • Moika78, "Физики подтвердили, что материя не отличается от антиматерии"
  • Mk-mari, "Исследователи не смогли найти различий между материей и антиматерией"
  • Monavista, "Физики не нашли различий между материей и антиматерией, уже в очередной раз"

In Spanish:

  • National Geographic, "Nuevo hito del CERN: Confirmada una propiedad de la antimateria"
  • Agencia Sinc, "Un experimento del CERN mide nuevos efectos cuánticos en la antimateria"
  • Notimerica, "Primeras mediciones de ciertos efectos cuánticos en antimateria"
  • Tendencias21, "Materia y antimateria confirman su simetría"

In Swedish: