News Items related to "Description and first application of a new technique to measure the gravitational mass of antihydrogen"
In English:
- ABC Science, "Atom test could solve antimatter puzzle"
- arsTECHNICA, "Does antimatter fall up? Experiment could provide the answer"
- Alaskadispatch, "Does antimatter exhibit antigravity new study says yes"
- allvoices, "CERN's ALPHA experiment to study anti-gravity"
- BBC News, "Antimatter research: Swansea University's £1.6m grant"
- BBC News, "Antigravity gets first test at Cern's ALPHA experiment"
- Belfast Telegraph Digital, "Does antimatter fall up, not down?"
- CERN, "ALPHA experimenters present novel investigation of the effect of gravity on antimatter"
- CNN, "What's the matter with antimatter? Scientists want to know"
- CBS News, "Crazy world: Antimatter might just fall up"
- Dailymail online, "Does antimatter fall up? Researchers launch bizarre study into 'mirror image' atoms"
- Digital Journal, "Antimatter experiment may make apple fall upwards"
- designtrend, "Antigravity: Does Antimatter Obey the Laws of Gravity?"
- (e) Science News, "Does antimatter fall up or down?"
- EarthSky, "Does antimatter fall up or down?"
- Frenchtribune, "Antimatter more vulnerable gravity says cern"
- france24, "Physicists zoom antimatter behaviour"
- Gizmodo, "How much does antimatter weigh?"
- Huffington Post, "Antimatter-Gravity ‘Alpha’ Experiment At CERN Tests Force’s Effect, Yields Ambiguous Result"
- Hürriyet, "Anti-madde bizi kanatlandırır mı?"
- iTech Post, "Can Antimatter Defy Gravity? Scientists Plan Experiment To Find Out"
- IEEE Spectrum, "Does Antimatter fall up?"
-, "ALPHA experimenters present novel investigation of the effect of gravity on antimatter"
- Kuhf fm news, "Scientists Seek To Take The Measure of Antimatter"
- LiveScience, "Crazy World: Antimatter Might Just Fall Up"
- Los Angeles Times, "Would an antimatter apple fall upward from the earth?"
- Latinos Post, "Cern Researchers Look Into Anti-Gravity With Antimatter"
- Mail Online, "Does antimatter fall Researchers launch bizarre study mirror image atoms"
- msn, "Does antimatter fall not down"
- Motherboard, "Does antimatter fall up"
- NBC News, "Say what?! Physicists aren't yet sure whether antimatter falls up or down"
-, "Scientists present novel investigation of gravity effect on antimatter: CERN"
- nzweek, "Scientist present novek investigation of gravity effect on antimatter cern"
- npr, "Scientists Seek To Take The Measure of Antimatter"
- Overclockersclub, "Studying how Gravity Affects Antimatter"
-, "ALPHA experiment presents first direct evidence of how atoms of antimatter interact with gravity"
- physicsworld, "ALPHA weighs in on antimatter"
- pcmag, "CERN Scientists Search for Elusive Anti-Gravity"
- Popular Science, "If Antimatter Is The Opposite Of Matter, Does It Fall Up?"
- Scientific Computing, "CERN: First Direct Analysis of How Antimatter is affected by Gravity"
- Science World Report, "Can Antimatter 'Fall' Up? Scientists Explore Anti-Gravity Possibility"
- Sciencerecorder, "CERN physicists discover that antimatter may defy gravity"
- Symmetry magazine, "Matter, antimatter, we all fall down – right?"
- SciNews, "Physicists Attempt to Measure Gravitational Mass of Antihydrogen"
- SlashGear, "CERN tests anti-gravity potential in antimatter"
- The Christian Science Monitor, "Antimatter might fall up, says physisist"
- The economist, "A matter of gravity"
- The California Aggie, "This Week in Science"
- The Hindu, "Which way does antimatter swing?"
- U.S.News, "Could Antimatter Resist Gravity? Scientists Working on an Experiment to Find Out"
- Universe today, "Will Antimatter Obey Gravity’s Pull?"
- RedOrbit, "Gravity Affects Antimatter"
- WBAA, "Scientists Seek To Take The Measure of Antimatter"
- Wales Online, "Welsh scientists boldly go in search of anti-matter answers"
- WFAE, "Scientists Seek To Take The Measure of Antimatter"
- yahoo! news, "Is antimatter the key to anti-gravity?"
- Zeenews, "Does antimatter exhibit antigravity?"
In Chinese:
- huanqiukexue, "科学家首次研究反引力"
In Danish:
-, "Antiatomer vejet for første gang"
In Finnish:
- HBL, "Finlandssvensk bakom genombrott i forskning om antimateria"
- Uutiset, "Uusi metodi kehitetty antimaterian tutkimiseen"
- Uutiset, "Cernissä vangittiin antimateriaa - suomalaiset mukana tutkimassa"
In French:
- 20min, "L'antimatière tombe-t-elle vers le haut?"
- ARCinfo, "Physique: l'antimatière subit-elle donc l'antigravité?"
- BFMTV, "L’antimatière tombe-t-elle vers le haut ou le bas?"
- canoe,
- Enerzine, "Une nouvelle étude de l’effet de la gravitation sur l’antimatière"
- Ecolonews, "L'antimatiere tombe t'elle vers le haut ou vers le bas"
- Emploi, "L'antimatiere tombe t'elle vers le haut ou vers le bas"
- Futura Sciences, "Le Cern sur la piste de l'antigravité grâce à Alpha et Aegis"
- jeanzin, "Pas d'antigravité pour l'antimatière?"
- Le temps, "L'antimatiere tombe t'elle vers le haut ou vers le bas"
- Le Point, "L'antimatière est-elle soumise à une antigravité?"
- Le Vif, "L'antimatière tombe-t-elle vers le haut ou vers le bas?"
-, "L’antimatière peut-elle tomber vers le haut?"
- Sudinfo, "L’antimatière tombe-t-elle vers le haut ou vers le bas?"
In German:
- NZZ, "Fallstudien mit Antiwasserstoff"
- Scinexx, "Antimaterie im Falltest"
- Telepolis, "Antimaterie und Antigravitation"
-, "Eine Waage für Antimaterie"
In Greek:
- Zougly, "Ποια η σχέση αντιύλης και αντιβαρύτητας;"
In Italian:
- ArticoloTre, "Studiato per la prima volta il rapporto tra antimateria e gravità"
- ANSA Scienza & Technica, "Osservata la prima interazione fra antimateria e gravità"
- Centro Meteo Italiano, "Antimateria Gravita esiste una interazione tra loro 2 maggio 2013"
- International Business Times, "Il Cern indaga sul rapporto tra antimateria e gravità"
- La Stampa, "Osservata per la prima volta l’interazione antimateria e gravità"
- le Science, "Arriva dal CERN la prima "bilancia" per l'antimateria"
- Media Inaf, "E se l’antimateria cadesse all’insù?"
- nextme, "La gravita' influenza l'antimateria, parola del Cern"
-, "Quanto pesa l'antimateria"
In Spanish:
- ABC ciencia, "¿Cae hacia arriba la antimateria?"
- cienciaplus, "Primera medición directa del efecto de la gravedad en la antimateria"
- HotNews, "Antimateria cade in sus sau in jos? Primele rezultate obtinute de CERN nu permit inca o concluzie, dar oamenii de stiinta sunt optimisti "
- Informe21, "¿La antimateria cae hacia arriba o hacia abajo?"
- Informador, "Ayudan a explicar la falta de antimateria"
- Ladobe, "La antimateria también se ve afectada por la gravedad"
- Muyinteresante, "La gravedad tambien afecta a la antimateria"
- Mileno,"
- Noticias de la Sciencia, "La antimateria también se ve afectada por la gravedad"
- Tucuman Noticias, "¿La antimateria cae hacia arriba o hacia abajo?"
- Tiempoenlinea, "Cientificos investigan si la antimateria se cae hacia arriba"
In Swedish:
- Forskning, "Einsteins gravitationsteori testas på antimateria"
- mynewsdesk, "Einsteins gravitationsteori testas på antimateria"
- Sveriges Radio, "Faller antimateria uppåt?"